Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nigeria and Africa

Nigeria and Africa

No matter how far apart two countries may be, they both possess several similarities, whether it is Italy and France or China and America. Nigeria and Egypt are well-known for their top-leading soccer teams, superior armed forces, and their situated location in Africa. But despite these similarities, they also possess several differences, including culture, government, geographical surroundings and demographics.
Although, both countries are situated not too far from each other the culture in Nigeria and Egypt differ drastically. Egypt is considered to be one of “the middle-eastern” countries with Islam set as its top religion including 90% of Egyptian People. The rest of the 10% include Coptic and Christianity. The most spoken language in Egypt is Arabic. 99.6% of residents in Egypt are Egyptian meanwhile the .4% are listed as other. English Creole is the officially spoken language in Nigeria along with Badu and Chadic languages. Almost 50 percent of all Nigerians are Muslim and the other 40 percent are Christian. Culture is a major difference in both countries.
                Politically speaking, both Nigeria and Egypt have several differences. As we know Egypt recently had its revolution against its government and the president, Hosni Mubarak, who has dictated Egypt for the past 30 years. Although Egypt has won its revolution, it has still been working on improving its government as well as improving the lives of Egyptian people. Nigeria on the other hand, has a fine government established to this date. Nigeria’s Federal Republic Government consists of 36 States, and a Capital Territory, with an elected President and a Legislature.   With these branches, Nigeria’s Government can often be compared to that of America’s. With Nigeria’s fine established government and Egypt’s developing government, the differences in how society may look in both countries may be distinguished.
Nigeria and Egypt may be located on two different sides of Africa but they both comprise of very different geographical significances and demographics. Nigeria lies on the western tip of Africa and is surrounded by the Gulf of Guinea, just north of the equator. The major rivers that flow through Nigeria include the Niger River and the Benue River. These two rivers join in the center of the country to form a "Y" that splits Nigeria into three separate sections. Nigeria has the largest population of an country in Africa, with a total of 158.3 million people. Egypt, located in Northern Africa, is surrounded by the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. The Nile River is also a geographical significance of Egypt as it provided irrigation and food in the earlier civilization. This river is known as the longest river in the world as it flows through ten countries of Africa. Egypt, also well-known for its population, has the second largest population, following Nigeria, with a population of 82 million people approximately 76 million people in difference. The population of the Capital City, Cairo, alone is roughly 6.7 million. The perception of each country is different due to its geographical locations.
Nigeria  is a country that gained it’s independence on October1st 1960 under the British government . Ever since Nigeria has gone from military  regime to democratic government. The  first  Democratic president was elected on May 9th  1999 and his name was Olusegun Obasanjo. Nigeria has 3 major tribes Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba. Nigeria has many tourist attraction such as The Yankiri Game Reserve , The Obudu Cattle Ranch, and The Aso Rock.

Egypt is a country in North Africa and also it’s capital is Cairo. Egypt is known for it’s great pyramids and also great Pharoah’s. This has made Egypt one of the world greatest tourist attraction. Also in Egypt, Arabic is the number one speaking  language. Over the years Egypt has been under the dictatorship rule of Muhammad Hosni Sayyid  Mubarak but earlier on this year the Egyptians revolted against him and he was desposed of power. The Nile river which is the  longest river in the world is also  in Egypt.

Nigeria and Egypt are two countries that are situated in Africa. Both are widely recognized by the outside world  and they are also great tourist attraction.  Our soccer teams both qualified for the 2010 world cup that was held in South Africa last year. We also boast of  good armed forces because they are one of the best in Africa. Nigeria and Egypt are also on the world’s top ten list of oil producing countries. We are both strong members of  the United Nations and also the African Union.

Nigeria and Egypt are two great countries in Africa and they are both known for their uniqueness. Nigeria is known as the giant of Africa and also the most populous country in Africa. It also houses Africa’s most populous city which is Lagos . Our government is democratic while on the other hand Egypt just came out from a 25 year dictator ship rule . Africans are hardworkers by nature and to proof this , Forbes Magazine has named Aliko Dangote of Nigeria as the richest black person in the world and also in Africa.  Nigeria and Egypt are two great sons of Africa.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Event Followup: Women for Hire

 Event Follow up: Women For Hire
On November  3rd , I visited the Hilton  Hotel in Manhattan for the Woman for Hire conference. This program was set up to empower women and also to create employment opportunities for them . As I stepped into the hall, I must confess I have never seen a large number of women gathered in one room like this in my life . I was so fascinated and eager to see how the program was going to turn out . Quickly I began to scan my environment and noticed some big companies such as Johnson and Johnson, TSA, Citizens Bank , Canon, The Rockefeller University,  and the DEA.
I couldn’t wait to start asking question and I was eager to see the purpose of each company and what they plan to achieve today. My first  interview was with Derek from Canon .
Me: Hello Mr. Derek . What are you  doing here today?
Derek: We are here to find new recruits fro our company and also to support this event.
Me: Is your position only for women?
Derek: No, not all . Men are also welcomed but as you can see the room is mostly filled with  women and also this event is for them .
Me: What positions are available?
Derek : We are looking for aspiring photographers and also new designers . This new recruits will be working with our engineers to create new products in the company.
Me: Thank you so much for your time . I appreciate it .
I walked around the room and also eaves dropped on some conversations . I  noticed that majority  of the people there are mothers and some of them even talked about their kids . I got the chance to speak with Lisa , a mother of two girls who was applying for a job at the Rockefeller University.
Me: Hello, it’s such a wonderful day out here  , how do you feel ?
Lisa: I feel so happy because of the opportunity that is being provided to  all women in this room today and I also thank this organization for putting this together.
Me: What jobs are you interested in today ?
Lisa : I mostly interested in the teaching Job at Rockefeller University . I am almost done with school and I would be graduating soon as a professor so I kinda need this job .
Me : So how’s the economy treating and how are you adjusting to it .
Lisa: This economy was what made me to go back to school. I want a solid foundation for my children’s future that’s why I need a better job . I still have a very good paying job but who doesn’t want more cash in their account .
Me: Thank you so much for your time and I wish you luck in all your endeavors .
I also walked  around and observed some seminars that  were taking place . I stopped by one and it was about A job seeker’s perfect pitch by Gretchen Gunn. She described what the perfect pitch was and also gave some advised on how to win your  interviewer’s heart. She talked about  how good body language and  putting  on a smile can make a great effect on your interviewer. I wanted to learn more from this amazing so I cornered her after her last session and asked her some few interesting questions.
Me: Wow, I was so inspired by your words and please could you tell me who you are  ?
Gretchen: My name is Gretchen Gunn and I am the Principal of MGD Services and my job is to get people ready fro job interviews and also I help companies on how to choose the best employee for their company .
Me:  Could you please explain to me what a Job Seeker’s Perfect pitch is ?
Gretchen? Sure , it simply mean s selling your self to your employer. How good can you  differentiate yourself from the pack of other’s that are vying for the same position. You see if people can spend more time to study themselves and figure more about their personality , a lot of people would still be with jobs till now .
Me: What are your requirements before you hire someone ?
Gretchen : I like people who are 100% percent with their personality . If I feel any fakism , the person is no good for me .
Me : Do you think I exhibit any form of Fakism?
Gretchen: Mhmmmm , Nope I don’t think so but I know you’re here just for your project.
Me: Damn , you are really good . Thanks so much for your time .
Before I knew it , It was time for lunch. I could hear a lot of people expressing their feelings about the event . “Wow, this is amazing , I wish my daughter was here” , said one lady in another table . I shared my thoughts with  the people at my table and we all agreed it was a wonderful event and also concluded that more events like this should be hosted and also we should create more awareness in empowering women by creating jobs for them .

Post Event: Women for Hire

Event : Women For Hire
When: November 3rd, 2011
Where: Hilton Hotel NYC, NY
Women for hire is an organization formed to empower women and also create job opportunities for them . Even though the program is aimed at enhancing women , men are also welcomed to the program. The Hilton hotel has agreed to sponsor the event by providing a venue and also refreshments . Some of the companies that would be attending this forum are Best Buy, Citizens Bank, Bath and Body works , U.S marines, Drug Enforcement Administration, Johnson and Johnson, Ernst and Young, Internal Revenue Service, and Essential Body wear. Also there would be seminars on how to master your perfect pitch, and also how to create a good resume.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Compare and Contrast Essay: Reality T.V to high school

Compare and Contrast Essay: Reality Tv  shows to high school

One can mistakenly confuse the difference between reality T.V shows to  high school. They both involve inhuman beings and most of the time drama is being associated to it .  Reality shows are often  about celebrities and their inside life while high school is an experience that everyone goes through . The both come with its ups and downs but the big difference is that one is televised and sometimes scripted while high school is the real deal.
            T.V channels such as VH1 and MTV have all had their different types of reality shows . We can all agree that Flavor of Love was the father of all reality shows . It gave us insight into the life of the rapper and the women that are trying to wi his heart over . All through the years we have seen so many types of reality shows. From  romance reality shows to contest shows , we have seen it all . This shows are sometimes scripted so as to win many  viewers and also popularity .  The latest T.V show now is Jersey shore and I must say , the ratings are high up . Also in most reality shows , the  host is usually paid per episode and he fees can increase depending on how much the fans love the show .
            High school is something that everyone goes through but the best part is it’s experience. The drama that comes with high school is suppose to help in molding the person . In high school , everything is real . From girlfriend problems to  having a problem with the dean , it’s all real life instances. High school comes with it’s   own fun and sadness . In high school , there is the popular crowd and also the nerds. You hanged with certain people and everyone had their own clique .  People often see high school as the first step to adult hood .
            Reality shows are mostly designed to entertain its audience. It has its flaws and also can contain a turning point . They usually feature celebrities who wants to tell their business to the whole world and most of the time they are getting paid for it . Different reality shows talk about different things such as relationship, or contest . Reality shows are &70% fake and 30% real . High school  on the other hand is a process that everyone goes through . Everything about it is real and none of it is scripted . Also in High school , things just flow naturally unlike in a reality show  were the director controls everything .

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Assasination plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to U.S

The U.S   discovered a plot involving top members of the Iranian government and their plans to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to U.S. According to the New York  Post , an American based used car dealer Mr. Arbabsiar was used as a middle man between the Iran radical group named the AlQods and a Mexican drug cartel named Los zetas. Mr. Arbabsiar was recruited by his  cousin Shakuri , a top member of the radical group to contract a hit man from the vicious drug cartel to carry out the job. The sum of 1.5 million was offered to the cartel for the job in exchange for the murder plot and also for the bombings of U.S embassies abroad.
 Unknown to them the DEA  already knew about their disastrous plan and had began to work against their plan. They planted a DEA to work as the supposed hitman. The first payment was made in the sum of $100,000 followed by other transactions .  One of the things that shocked security agents was when the supposed hitman informed  Arbabsiar that innocent civilians might get hurts as a result of the plan . His response sent fears down the spines of the agency.  He said fuck’em, if hundred and fifty people die , then they die. The agency quickly arrested Mr. Arbabsiar and he quickly co-operated with security agents .  Another news source, The NewYork times gives the same story about the incident . There were some differences in from the two news sources even though the focus on the same main point. The New York post gave time lines and also showed pictures of the alleged suspect. They even went further ahead to provide information from the secretary of the state.  The New York Times on the other hand delivered the same message but on the paper we see the white house releasing statement about the discovered plot. We also get information about the President Obama calling the Saudi Ambassador to give him the assurance that the U.S is behind him . Also from the Times , we also see that that the suspect Mr. Arbabsar also waived his right to be quickly brough before a judge.
            The two newspapers did a god job in covering the article but when you read them both , you would see that  The Times provided more information than The Post.  The times dug deeper and provided more valuable information such as the white house comments and also provided us with information about the suspect waiving his right.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Vincent Ugokwe, the chairman of Jahdon Group of Companies died at his home on Friday in his sleep. He was 100 years old.
 Mr. Ugokwe, a life long resident of Ojoto, died of natural causes which he accepted with open arms. Vinny as he was fondly called my friends and family members was the founder of  The African Child Foundation and he continued to play a vital and active role till his last days on Earth.
"He knew his time was up", his first first son Justin told CNN news when they visited the Ugokwe's house.:"He was such a caring and loving father " his daughter said while sobbing . He will continue to live in our hearts said by another family member.
A memorial service is planned for him in his hometown of Ojoto, Anambra state at 5pm.
Vincent was born on May 5 , 1993 as Vincent Chidozie Ugokwe at Aba, Abia State. He attended Aunty Magaret and then Dority International School. He graduated from Christ the King Prep and then headed on to St. John's University.
He married his beautiful wife and they both had six children. Before Vincent could reaach the age of 21, he was already a guru in business. He was operating several companies which he turned into different conglomerates. He is best known for his luxurious hotels all around the world . He also dabbled into the world of oil and gas were he collaborated with his mother and founded Ugokwe oil and gas company. Vinny's Place, his mens boutique is known all of the world for carrying exquisite mens wear and apparell. He also went into business with his brothers and sisters and they formed retail supermarkets all around the globe . Even though he was a man known for business deals and great intellectuals, he went out of his way to acquire a soccer team which has one the UEFA cup three times in a roll. He has been honoured by many great instituions and organizations such as the Noble Peace prize.
In his home country in Nigeria, he is seen as a hero because of his devotion in serving the poor masses. He built several schools and hospitals to facilitate the welfare of his people. He also opened up a university were students are provided with quality education all at no cost. Mr. Ugokwe is a rare gem and shall never be forgotten.
He is survived by his brother Ebuka Ugokwe and his three sisters , six children , 30 grandchildren and fifty great grand children.
 May his soul rest in Peace.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Advertisement. Description

Absolut Citron is being marketed by a somewhat young lady exposing her breasts. Flowers, lemons, Absolut, glasses, and a phone are all within the advertisements. I think the general time period these objects are associated with are within the present time. She’s making a call in a very revealing position. She’s on the phone  with an expression that seems to be searching for pleasure. She’s in a house with a rug, a window ledge, what seems to be a tree on the outside, with water below. A phone is also present which leads us to believe she’s in a house. She is wearing a yellow robe which is extremely revealing near her breasts. She’s alone in the advertisement. The advertisement is selling Absolut Citron branded alcohol. Her position, the clothes she’s wearing, and most of all the overall sexual nature of the advertisement.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Journey to St John 2

College was the next big thing to happen to me and I was ready to cash in on it. It was my last year in high school and I pretty much had no idea where I wanted to go. I applied to Fordham, Boston College, and Seton Hall. I got accepted into these colleges but my mom thought Boston  College would be the best for me. We argued back and forth until my mom convinced me that Boston College was a better choice. My dream of going to school in NY was shattered and I prepared myself to become an Eagle. At the last minute, I added St. John's to the list of my colleges because I believed in its educational values and its strong commitments to its students. I focused all my attention on finalizing my admission into BC and making sure that all the required documents were handed in.

As the deadline for the college registration drew near, I was about to submit the last document needed for my admission until I received an email requesting me to print a form and also complete it. I did as I was required but couldn't fax it because the office was closed after 5 pm and they were not open on weekends. On May 1st , I faxed the required copies and also called them to make sure that they got it. The Financial Advisor told me that he got it but was having problems registering me because my name was no longer in the school's registry. He asked me to check with admission to figure out what the problem was. I was transferred to admission where I was given the biggest shock of my life . I was told that they were fully booked and there was no space for me. I told them that I had been in contact with their office for a month now and I had given them all the necessary documents they needed. My pleadings fell on deaf ears and I felt as if my world was crumbling right under my feet. I couldn't go back to any of my other colleges because I called in advance to let them know that I was no longer interested in their offers.

I went home with a broken heart and as I sat on the coffee table, crying, my mom walked into the room with a big envelope in her hand. I explained to her what had happened and she was shocked. She consoled me and told me that all hope was not lost and she handed me my St. John's admission letter. I was very happy and I called SJU the next morning. They assured me that everything would be alright and that I was in safe hands. I don't know whether to call it fate or was it just nature playing a game on me. Maybe all along I was looking in the wrong direction and I had to be called back to my destiny. Maybe I was supposed to be in this class from the get go. As I write this blog, these are many questions that are going through my head. Someday I would have answers to these questions but right now, all I can say is that "I am living the good life."